Trademark Databases of the World

A listing of selected trademark databases from around the world. This list is not comprehensive. Please contact us to have your link added or corrected.

AGIP Databases Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), previously known as TMP Agents provides information on services and charges required for trademark application process for more than 180 countries, including the Arab world.

Australian Trademark Database This site includes information on all trade marks in force and all applications since 1985. It also includes all trade marks that were in force in 1985 even if they have since lapsed or ceased. The trade marks mainframe database contains the Register of Trade Marks and all signs which are protected within Australia under the trade mark legislation.This site provides full online search manual for trademark databases.

Canadian Trademark Database This database is comprised of all active and many inactive marks that were either applied-for or registered pursuant to the current Trade-marks Act or former trade-mark legislation of Canada. It also includes all trade-marks which were canceled, expunged, abandoned or refused after 1979, and some, which were canceled, expunged, abandoned or refused prior to 1979. The database includes additional words and designs which are not by definition trade-marks, but that are protected by the Trade-marks Act or other related legislation.

Czech Republic Trademark Databases This database contains only valid trademarks filed in the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic. The database can be searched by application number, registration, filing date, holder/applicant, etc.

Chinese Trademark This site provides Requirements on Application for Registering a Chinese Trademark including the Chinese Trademark Law.

French Trademark Database This site searches French trademarks in French.

German Trademarks Search System, DPMAregister This database contains application, registration and publication data, ownership, the Nice classification of goods and services, the Vienna classification for images, and images.

Global Brand Database Search trademarks by text or image from multiple national and international sources.

Global Design Database  A world-wide collection of industrial designs data; including WIPO Hague registrations and infromation form participating offices. 

Japanese Trademark through DIALOG The TRADEMARKSCANĀ­ Japan database enables Dialog users to search Japanese trademark registrations and applications without having to know the Japanese language. The database currently contains more than 2.5 million active and inactive Japanese trademark registrations and applications. It updates monthly.

Lisbon Express Search for Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications entered in the International Register kept by the WIPO International Bureau in accordance with the Lisbon System for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications and their International Registration.

Madrid Monitor A gateway to the Madrid System which allows checking status of an international application or trademark registration, as well as accessing detailed information on all trademark registered through teh Madrid System. 

Thomson Compumark Complete online search service with over 50 million U.S. federal, state, common law, Canadian, WIPO, EC, and UK marks, as well as an extensive domain name collection of .com, .net, and .org records by Thomson Reuters. This is a subscription based database.

Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) TESS contains more than 3 million pending, registered and dead federal trademarks of the United States.

Trademarkia A platform that enables the automated and efficient search of trademark, domain and corporate legal records.

State Trademarks at FindLaw Find information on trademarks specific to all 50 states and D.C.

United Kingdom Trademark Database The trademark information can be searched by the trademark number, marks matching/starting with specified text, proprietor, refused applications and by correct class of goods/services you need to specify when applying for a trade mark.

WIPO Trademark Database Portal A list of trademark databases from different registration authorities. (Note that not all intellectual property offices and organizations have publicly accessible on-line trademark databases and that any searches using the links provided on this site will not be sufficient to determine definitively whether or not the domain name is infringing.)

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