Steps to Add a new Newsletter/Journal in WordPress
1) Log in at
2) Add the new year to the taxonomy
The new year needs to be added once and will be applied to journal articles, the newsletter navigation and the newsletter itself. Click on any of Journal Articles, Newsletter Articles or Newsletter Nav and then click on Years. Only the Name field needs to be set, ex. 2023, then the Add New Year button can be pressed.
3) Newsletter articles and Journal Articles can be added in any order once the new year is created. Check the checkbox of the appropriate year when adding new newsletter, journal article or newsletter nav.
Ex. Add a new Journal Article
Initial Screen looks like this:
Fill in the title where it says Add title, fill in the Author and check the appropriate year’s checkbox. Paste in the tigerprints link where it says Type / to choose block. Then click the Convert to link button and press the Publish button twice.
The finished Journal entry would look like this:
4) Upload treasurer’s report pdfs etc using the media manager. Convert any word documents to pdfs if necessary before uploading them.
5) Make a new Newsletter Nav with links to the treasurers report etc. This will display in the left hand navigation bar when viewing the new year’s newsletter. Edit the most recent year’s navigation, select everything and copy it (control-a control-c). Then exit the editor and create a new Newsletter Nav for the new year. Paste what was copied into the new navigation. Edit the links to change them to the newly uploaded pdfs.
Make a new image for the newsletter and then upload it as the featured image for the new year’s Newsletter Nav. The Set Featured Image button (scroll down in the right panel while editing the Newsletter Nav) lets you upload an image or select a previously uploaded image. Press ‘Save Draft”. Once the new Newsletter Nav is published, the home page will show the new Newsletter, while it is a draft only logged in users will see it. This will give you a chance to see how it looks and check the links before the public sees it.
Here’s 2023’s navigation with 2022’s navigation pasted in as a starting point for editing.
The urls of the uploaded pdfs can be found in the media manager. Use the Copy URL to Clipboard button in the Media manager.
The copied url can then be pasted in while editing the Newletter Nav for the new year.
6) Publish the new year’s Newsletter Nav to put it on the home page.
7) The Officers page will need updating. The easiest way is to click on the link in the left hand nav and press edit at the bottom of the screen (assuming you are logged in). Copy the existing officers so they can be pasted into Past Officers page before changing to the new officers. The outgoing president would then need to be added to the Past Presidents page.
8) The Committees page can also be updated. This will be similar to adding a new Newsletter Nav. Start by copying the contents of the current Committees page and paste it into a new post. Edit the committee members and add a link to the current committee page. Publish the new Committees post and navigate to the menu page Appearance->Menus. Then edit the Nav (Primary Menu) so the link to the Committees page uses the url of the new Committees post. Be sure to press the Save Menu button after updating the url.