John Meier has been the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Librarian in University Park, PA for over a decade. We’ve been hosted by the Pennsylvania State University Libraries since 1979 (almost 40 years!) The Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library holds the PTRC collection, but over the past few years we have added service points and trained staff across the state. Lori Lysiak, Reference and Instruction Librarian at Penn State Altoona, has completed both the basic and advanced training seminars at the USPTO. This year Carmen Cole, Business and IST Librarian, will also complete advanced training through that program. We have added a new position of Entrepreneurship Librarian, LaMonica Wiggins, who will attend seminar this year for the basic training. Our library again supported both Penn State Startup Week and Global Entrepreneurship Week with information sessions and networking. We work closely with the Small Business Development Center, the Penn State Launchboxes, and the Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship Law Clinics operated out of the Penn State Law School. Librarians across Penn State taught 33 patent and trademark related courses with 683 students in 2017. In particular classes associated with the Intercollege Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ENTI) program have seen significant growth. John has started online training for librarians at over a dozen Commonwealth Campuses for basic reference and instruction in patents.
John J Meier
Science Librarian | Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library
The Pennsylvania State University