- As the Representative for USPTO’s PTRC, Rutgers University in Piscataway, I have been extremely busy with patron trainings, references, database searching and answering AAL and Ref Chat question about IP. Based on reference statistical report, out of 668 reference questions answered by me between Jan.1, 2020 and Feb, 25 2021, I provided answers to 71 IP related questions. Most of the IP questions and training needed more than one hour to accomplish.
- I have been involved with NSF I-Corps Rutgers Site program since 2019. The program is an immersive learning experience developed by the National Science Foundation for researchers, faculty, students, staff, and others to determine if there is a potential market for their innovations currently in development. Accepted participants develop skills, learn business concepts, receive advice, become part of the I-Corps alumni network, and receive small NSF grants for approved expenses. I was invited to their final session: Next Steps in the Innovation Ecosystem on and presented PPT slides about the Rutgers Patent searching resources for the audiences. Since then I have been providing consultations for the teams. On May 6, 2020I was invited by the program to offer a virtual presentation on patent search. The session was widely publicized by the organizer, 128 people registered before the session. 88 people attended the session (the organizer locked the session after five min. of starting time).The audiences range from professors, Post Ds. staff, alumni, graduate students undergraduate students, and local inventor communities. The session was well received by the audiences and many audiences sent me nice comments and follow ups.
- On Dec 1, 2020, one of a kind webinar was taken place on Zoom. The webinar with the title of The Future of American Innovation & the Role of the University, a talk by the Director of United States Patent and Trademark Office followed by a Rutgers faculty and student panel discussion attracted 238 participants. Many attendees have expressed their gratitude for this eye-opening session and would like to join an initiative: Call to Action! Inclusive Innovation and Equitable Entrepreneurship Coalition at Rutgers.
- The PTRC in Piscataway was one of co-sponsors for this event. I contacted University Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs when I learned about USPTO’s special University Outreach initiative from the PTRC Office. Then I contacted School of Engineering, RBHS, SEBS, Business school, i.d.e.a. team, Patents and Licensing division and Research & Innovative Strategies Office to build a planning task force for this event. The task force will continue the effort to the future university Innovation and invention endeavors.