Greetings from Rutgers University!
2017 is a year with more changes at RUL., Ms. Dee Magnoni accepted the position of assistant vice president for information services, director of New Brunswick Libraries effective August 7, 2017. Dee came to Rutgers from Los Alamos National Laboratory. We believe that with her science background, she will enhance RUL’s science and engineering collections and services to the community. It will help to promote PTRC at the university as well.
Dr. Prabhas Moghe, Distinguished Professor in the School of Engineering, was selected as the inaugural Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (VCRI) for Rutgers University—New Brunswick, in January 2018. We hope that under his leadership, the University will put more emphasis on innovation and invention.
As the Representative for PTRC, I have been extremely busy with patron trainings, references, database searching and answering AAL and Ref Chat question about IP during the period. Based on statistics, I was on the top of Off Desk Reference among science librarians. Out of 502 total off reference desk questions answered by science librarians between January 2017 and now, I provided answers to 69 patent and IP related questions. Most of these off reference desk questions and training needed more than one-hour services.
I also worked with professor of Engineering Ethics to provide IP introduction to 300 plus freshman students.
Since Feb. 2017, I have given following five talks and lectures concerning IP and patents:
“IP Management in American Universities,” Invited lecture for Chinese University professors participated in Professor Teaching Training program at Rutgers University, Jan.25, 2018.
“Patent Strategic Management and Technology Transfer,” an Invited talk at Nanjing Innovation Centre for Environment Protection Industry, Nanjing, China, Nov. 15, 2017
“IP Management in American Universities,” Invited lecture for Chinese University professors participated in Professor Teaching Training program at Rutgers University, August 1, 2017.
“IP Management in American Universities,” Invited lecture for Chinese University professors participated in Professor Teaching Training program at Rutgers University, August 14, 2017.
“IP Management in American Universities,” Invited lecture for Chinese University professors participated in Professor Teaching Training program at Rutgers University, Feb. 17, 2017.