What’s your favorite thing about being a PTRC librarian and what makes the position unique in Philly’s business and nonprofit community?
My favorite thing is free access to the numerous amounts of legal resources such as patent pro-bono program for entrepreneurs, small business owners and inventors. We are also in close proximity to the Franklin Institute, which is a renowned institution known to inspire curiosity through scienceand technology.
Historically, many inventors have come from Philadelphia, most notably Ben Franklin,withthatbeingsaid,there isalegacyofentrepreneursandinnovatorsthat haveleft theirmark, andwaitingforthenext generation ofinventors and entrepreneursto followsuit.
For me, that is what makes this position unique and exciting is the immensepotential withinthePhiladelphiabusinessandnon-profit community.
Lastly, we offer also one-on-one patent and trademark research appointments both in-person and virtual to any future entrepreneur and innovator!