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- Cohosted online presentation, “Increase your IP IQ: What every business owner and startup needs to know about intellectual property,” 9/7/23:
- Presented by Elizabeth Dougherty, Eastern Regional Outreach Director, USPTO.
- Hosted by UCF for the Florida statewide consortium of Blackstone launchpads.
- UCF Startup Festival, 9/27/23:
- Staffed UCF Libraries/PTRC table with UCF business librarian Min Tong.
- 500-600 attendees.
- Served on a virtual Patent Panel sponsored by the UCF Blackstone Launchpad, 10/12/23.
- Two workshops:
- “Protect your Property! Principles of Patent Searching”, 2 attendees, 10/18/23.
- “IP Workshop: Trademark Searching,” 7 attendees, 11/8/23.
- Weeding much of the library in preparation for more renovations. Said adieu to the CASSIS CDROMs.