The Orlando PTRC is located in the John C. Hitt Library at the University of Central Florida. In addition to being the PTRC representative since July 2015, I am also a member of the Research and Information Services department of the UCF Libraries, in which I provide reference services to patrons (at the desk and online), build the collections, and conduct research consultations for the anthropology and sociology departments. As the PTRC representative since July 2015, I also provide more specialized consultations to our patent and trademark patrons in person, by phone, and via email.
In 2016, I held five “Introduction to Patents & Trademarks” information sessions as part of the graduate school’s Pathways to Success workshop series.
World Intellectual Property Day took place one month after returning from my first PTRC Program training (April 26). The Orlando PTRC, the UCF Scholarly Communications librarian, and the UCF Office of Technology Transfer collaborated to host an Intellectual Property information table in the library that day, answering questions and distributing materials.
In August I participated in an I-Corps workshop entitled “Take Your Innovation to Market – Utilizing Evidence Based Entrepreneurship.” It was great hands-on training in the Lean Startup process, and I was able to get my name out into the community by working alongside many entrepreneurs, coaches, and business mentors in the UCF Business Incubation Program.
In addition to providing information on my Patents and Trademarks webpages, I’ve begun using the library’s LibCal booking software (a product from Springshare, the makers of LibGuides) so that patent/trademark clients can make their own appointments, choosing from a variety of predetermined blocked-off times. Patrons are using it and I believe it saves a lot of the back-and-forth emailing to determine mutual availability. LibCal can sync with your Outlook calendar, sends confirmations to you and the patron, and can be programmed to send scripted replies. If you’re interested, ask me more at the conference. I look forward to seeing you all then!