A big warm sunny aloha to everyone from our corner of the world. Stewart Chun and Arlene Nagamine are holding down the fort while Carole Suzui is on secret mission to our Office of the State Librarian to compile library statistics for the various reports on our library system’s activity. In Carole’s place, we are happy to have the services of Emily Dovermann from our McCully Public Library. She was willing to try a change of pace from being a Children’s Librarian and is picking up her duties very well.
The staffing for the Hawaii State Public Library System was so low (due to retirements, transfers and other voluntary reductions) that some branches were closing during staff lunch hours and vacations because HSPLS could not hire replacements to cover for the absences. Generally, the Hawaii State Library and the Federal Documents Section are in relatively good shape. HSPLS was finally given the go-ahead to begin the hiring process for select public service vacancies. At least that is a start for to return to providing normal library services.
Your PTDLP Representative Stewart has taken the Presidency mantle for the Hawaii Library Association and all the duties and headaches that entails. He is in the middle of a three year cycle of being Vice President/President/Past President for our state library organization. However, this year, he is trying to run HLA with no clear leadership succession as the Vice President/President-Elect slot remains vacant for a lack of volunteers.
Arlene will be going to the much anticipated training seminar later this year. Arlene had previously gone to the 2007 training seminar and is eager to update her Cassis training.
May you have a hopping good time in this Year of the Rabbit.
Stewart Chun
Your humble PTDLP Representative