Geophysical Institute / International Arctic Research Center Submitted by: David Park
David Park became the new Alaska PTRC representative in 2022. Park succeeded Judie Triplehorn, University of Alaska Fairbanks associate professor emerita, who retired as the PTRC representative after 12 years of service. Prior to his current work at Alaska Center ICE (University of Alaska’s Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship), Park worked as an IP attorney for more than 15 years, with a special focus on patent procurement and management.
(Right) New IP display at Mather Library
Made IP presentations at SBIR/STTR conferences at University of Alaska –Fairbanks (hybrid with over 20 in attendance) and at University of New Mexico (virtual fireside chat) (over 100 attended)
Made Alaska PTRC announcement at Alaska Interior Business Accelerator cohort of small businesses