- PTRC Staff at STEM Library, University of Maryland:
- PTRC Rep: Jim Miller (since 1998)
- STEM Library Head: Nevenka Zdravkovska
- Agriculture Librarian: Isabella Baxter
- Open Science Librarian: Sarah Weiss
- Plant Patent Color images -https://digital.lib.umd.edu/plantpatents:
- Includes up to PP34350 (2022-06-14)
- 1000+ waiting for loading; PP35363 is the last paper copy
- GIS Librarian Milan Budhathokiis working on Plant Patent Portal (P3):
- Patent events and presentations (Jim and Sarah):
- Morgan State Univ (Baltimore) “Start a Business” IP / Legal session -2/24/24
- Patent Zoom session for U of MD librarians -3/7/24