The Cincinnati Patent & Trademark Resource Center is located in the Information & Reference department of the Main Branch of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County (PLCH). The Library has been a member of the PTRC since the program started, and we are always looking for ways to entice people to use the older bound patent documents, including the British patents from 1640-1915.
The Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County opened two new buildings this year, both with mini makerspaces. PLCH is embracing these new spaces, and implementing programming for them. The Inventor’s Council of Cincinnati held their February meeting at the MakerSpace in the Main Library, where the laser printer/cutter was demonstrated. People were excited to learn how easy and inexpensive it was to print banners and promotional stickers.
Linda Kocis is the Intellectual Property Librarian at PLCH and continues to teach patent and trademark searching classes for beginners. She also meets with people for individual instruction. In June 2015, Linda attended the ALA BRASS Preconference in San Francisco, where she demonstrated patent and trademark searching to Business Librarians. She encouraged them to seek out the nearest Patent & Trademark Resource Center for assistance with intellectual property questions.