The Paul Laurence Dunbar Library has been a PTRC since 2000. Our PTRC collection is located in the commons area of the main library. Access to PubWEST and PubEAST is through our Information Desk. Our PTRC workstation is in a standalone area for more privacy.
In August 2020, our library building opened to the public but reference services continued to be provided remotely. This included the PTRC. I held 2 public WebEx programs on patents and trademarks with a total attendance of 11. There was a significant drop in service requests, 24, from the community.
I still had requests from engineering and biomedical faculty for online patent presentations, some synchronous and asynchronous. I recorded 6 hours of presentations targeting specific needs of the senior design courses and one graduate course. There were a total of 142 students attended or viewed these presentations. I also had an opportunity to present for a Tennessee Tech University senior design course. The professor was a former Wright State faculty member.
Our 2020/21 statistics for our own PTRC website recorded 1111 unique visits.
– Ran Raider – Government and History Librarian and PTRC Representative since 2000