Committees 2006-2007

Dave Morrison, Salt Lake City, UT (Chair)
Karon King, Des Moines, IA
Jim Miller, College Park, MD

Charge: Review the PTDLA bylaws and recommend language for updates; coordinate with the PTDLA webmaster to ensure that the most recent bylaws are on the website.
Tom Melvin, Newark, DE (Chair)
Dave Morrison, Salt Lake City, UT
Nan Myers, Wichita, KS
Bob Klein, Miami, FL
Subcommittee on Regional Representatives:
Walt Johnson, Minneapolis, MN

Conference Committee
Charge: Help with PTDLA-sponsored speakers, receptions and roundtables.
Jan Comfort, Clemson, SC (Chair)
Marion Armour-Gemmen, Morgantown, WV
Leena Lalwani, Ann Arbor, MI

Database Committee
Jim Miller
Dawn Rohan
Karon King
Dave Morrison
Jan Comfort
Bill Schilling
Leslie Brown
Cynthia Mayo
Ran Raider

Election Committee
Charge: Run the Election for Officers and Regional Representatives; includes call for nominations, recruiting candidates, and running the electronic election.
Bob Klein, Miami, FL (Chair)

Long Range Planning Committee
Charge: Review the Mission Statement and develop a strategic plan for the PTDLA.
Virginia Baldwin, Lincoln, NE (Chair)
Joanne Tobin, Atlanta, GA
Linda Spiro, Houston, TX

Mentoring Committee
Charge: Coordinate the matching of new members with either their regional representative or a seasoned PTDLA veteran to ensure that they feel welcome and informed.
Nan Myers, Wichita, KS(Chair)

Program Committee
Charge: Plan programs presented by PTDLA members at other conferences, such as ALA, SLA, etc.
Leena Lalwani, Ann Arbor, MI (Chair)
Karen MacDonald, College Station, TX (SLA Chair)

Promotion and Outreach Committee
Charge: To be determined by the committee. Possible tasks: to create a handout for the PTDLA website that summarizes best practices; serve as resource people to advise PTDLs on promotion issues.
Connie Wu, Piscataway, NJ (Chair)
Joanne Klein, Charlotte, NC
Leslie Brown, Washington, DC
Karen MacDonald, College Station, TX

Publications Committee
Suzanne Holcombe, Stillwater, OK (Chair)
IP Journal:
Claudine Jenda, Auburn, AL (Chair)
Andy Wohrley, Auburn, AL
Mike White, Kingston, Ontario, CA
Esther Crawford, Houston, TX
Esther Crawford, Houston, TX