Detroit Public Library Submitted by: Mary Kordyban
In the past year we have all new staff; 5 librarians and 6 support staff. All of them are excited about learning intellectual property. Three of us will be attending Seminar this year.
Detroit Public Library continues to support our area inventor groups, and the state-wide Michigan Inventors Coalition.
Our department continues to be partially closed as we recover from flood damage. We are very busy putting our stacks in order,
(Right) Partnered with the local SBDC as part of their “Starting Your Business Workshop” series. This workshop is offered 4 times a year and generated 18 follow up one-on-one appointments, this year.
Worked with over 15 new businesses in trademarking their logo, heard back from one who was successful in obtaining a trademark for her business logo.
Created an IP display as part of National Small Business week last May.
Geophysical Institute / International Arctic Research Center Submitted by: David Park
David Park became the new Alaska PTRC representative in 2022. Park succeeded Judie Triplehorn, University of Alaska Fairbanks associate professor emerita, who retired as the PTRC representative after 12 years of service. Prior to his current work at Alaska Center ICE (University of Alaska’s Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship), Park worked as an IP attorney for more than 15 years, with a special focus on patent procurement and management.
(Right) New IP display at Mather Library
Made IP presentations at SBIR/STTR conferences at University of Alaska –Fairbanks (hybrid with over 20 in attendance) and at University of New Mexico (virtual fireside chat) (over 100 attended)
Made Alaska PTRC announcement at Alaska Interior Business Accelerator cohort of small businesses
Broward County Library Submitted by: Eileen Fischlschweiger
The Fort Lauderdale PTRC was designated as a Patent Depository Library (PDL) on November 1st, 1984.
Eileen has been the PTRC representative for 26 years and has been the patent and trademark librarian for 28 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in Chemistry and Physics, a Master of Arts in Journalism and Communications with a specialization in Broadcast Production and a second Master’s degree in Library Science.
Hawaii State Library Submitted by: Emily Dovermann
In February 2022, the Hawaii State Library welcomed a new managing librarian, Baron Baroza, and reopened its doors to the public after nearly two years of closure due to COVID-19.
As other staff members at the Federal Documents Section, where our PTRC is housed, continue to be temporarily reassigned to cover vacancies at other sections within the library, Emily Dovermann, the PTRC representative, has been the sole staff member.
Happy Anniversary! Rice’s PTRC celebrated its 45th anniversary in July. Hope Shimabuku, Regional Director of the Texas Regional Office USPTO, joined us for a fireside chat with Phillip E. Page, Professor of Law, of the South Texas College of Law’s Trademark legal clinic. We presented a history of the Rice PTRC/PTDL/PDL and taught a short class on Patent Public Search. While the turnout was small, Hannah intended the event to mark a new era in the PTRC,
The Indianapolis Public Library Submitted by: Ryan Donnelly
Assisted approximately 12 people with patent and trademark related questions in 2022
Already have assisted close to this same amount of people in the opening months of 2023
Conducted an Ask-An-IP Attorney program in September 2022 and 18 people participated in the event
Planning an Intellectual Property and Indianapolis 500 program for May 2023 with the Midwest Regional Office in Detroit, Michigan, which will emphasize the importance patents and trademarks have played in the race
(Below) Created notebooks with basics of patents and trademarks to use as marketing materials
(Right) James Cox has been processing Plant Patents (close to 3,000)
Since January, Kari Kozak has taught four 1-hour long sessions during for-credit classes on patents (roughly 250 undergraduate students) + 1 open workshop with 5 attendees.
Created workshop series called Business Building Blocks with Business Library and Entrepreneurship Center.
Kim Carter did a presentation to representatives of a local law firm. Materials covered included:
The history of the Patent & Trademark Office
Types of intellectual property
The library’s participation in the PTRC network
Alien Property Custodian (APC) documents
Carter set up a display of color handouts and hardcopies of the Gazettes, noting recognizable IP specimens and/or inventors: (Jaime Lee Curtis; Thomas Edison;
New Mexico State University Submitted by: Dave Irvin
The NMSU PTRC continues to help inventors with patents and entrepreneurs with trademark research very regularly. We have a physical space available for researchers in the Zuhl Library. However, the vast majority of patrons take advantage of our virtual Zoom option for consultations.
With the recent legalization of cannabis in New Mexico, we have met with several entrepreneurs looking for trademark guidance in this area.
The NMSU PTRC homepage recorded 753 hits for the year.
Arkansas State Library Submitted by: Michael Strickland
July 12, 2022: Michael Strickland made a virtual presentation about patents and trademarks at the Arkansas Department of Education Summit in Hot Springs.
July 20-21, 2022: Michael Strickland made 2 in-person “I.P. Basics” presentations at the R.E.A.L. Conference in Little Rock sponsored by Economics Arkansas.
August 2022: Reference Librarian, Jessica Kirk was promoted to Coordinator of Mockingbird Resource Sharing Group.
October 14, 2022: Michael Strickland made an in-person “I.P” Basics” presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference in Ft.
Continue to work primarily with community patrons.
Working with a New Mexico patron (Tech is closer to him than the NM PTRC which he is aware of).
Continue to use email distribution lists (with BCC) to forward information on patents and trademarks to my community patrons as a current awareness service. I plan to upgrade to blog(s) in 2023.
Have updated my welcome letters for Patents and Trademark patrons.
Partnered with Grants and Business Librarians on a poster presentation at UW-Extension All Colleague Conference and a table at Innovate Week Resource Fair
Engaged in discussion with to subscribe to the Lens Institutional Toolkit