News from the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program (PTRCP) Office

News from the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program (PTRCP) Office

The Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Program has been doing an increased number of individualized, or one-on-one, trainings with librarians at PTRC libraries.  This format makes training more informal, provides a greater opportunity for hands’ on practice during training, and allows the training to be scheduled at times that are most convenient for you.

The PTRC Program also continues to do webinars for wider audiences.  Donna Arment’s webinar on the Find-it-Fast menu for trademarks was well attended and we received positive feedback from attendees.  Neil Massong recently created a new webinar for the Find-it-Fast menu for patents and we anticipate that it will be presented in the next week or two.  This webinar will cover the new Patent Center resource, released to the public in beta in April.  To ensure the webinars have a hands’ on component, we will include a set of search exercises wherever possible.

Our period telephone calls to the PTRCs have been a successful endeavor.  We have identified upcoming staff changes at the libraries, training needs, outreach opportunities, and ways in which we can better support you.  We very much appreciate the time you take to speak with us.  We look forward to the next round of calls!

PTRC librarians and their institutions continue to work with various offices at USPTO to conduct workshops and other public programming.  This has included PTRC participation in inter-agency roadshows as well as programming done at the libraries.  Effective public outreach programming is a key to maintaining a vibrant connection with your communities.  We look forward to continuing to work with you to identify and develop public outreach programming opportunities.

In 2018 and 2019, PTRCP benefitted enormously from the contributions of Amelia Cohoes, the program’s former fellowship librarian from Minneapolis.  Amelia did a splendid job and we all benefitted from her expertise and professionalism.  PTRCP’s current fellow, Donna Arment, from Durango, is likewise doing a magnificent job.  Two keys to the success of Amelia, Donna, and their many outstanding predecessors, is a deep understanding of the needs of the small or individual entrepreneurs.


Robert Berry, Manager
Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Program|
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Department of Commerce
MDE 1B23
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, Virginia 22313
May 2020