Esther Crawford PTRCA Distinguished Service Award (DSA)

1. Description of Award

The Esther Crawford PTRCA Distinguished Service Award is presented annually to an individual PTRCA member or individual who demonstrates outstanding service to the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association by active and effective participation on PTRCA committees and PTRCA activities that enhance the association educational experience.

2. Who is eligible?

All of the membership of the PTRCA and those individuals who contribute to the overall goals of the PTRC in the areas of association service and education. Continue reading

Trademarks differentiate your product and service; learn more at a free NKU seminar on April 12, 2016

In addition to intellectual property awareness, this seminar helps those entrepreneurs who are considering developing a new invention, starting a new business, or existing businesses who wish to improve their business performance. This event is brought to you by the Kentucky Innovation Network at Northern Kentucky, NKU Grant County Center, NKU Intellectual Property Awareness Center (IPAC), NKU Small Business Development Center, Central Kentucky Inventors Council, Inventor’s Council of Cincinnati, and others.

This FREE event is scheduled Tuesday, Continue reading

PTRCA Executive Council Recognizes Hal Mendelsohn and Russ Allen for Service to the Association

At this year’s annual business meeting, Hal Mendelsohn and Russ Allen were recognized by the Executive Council for their service to PTRCA. Hal Mendelsohn, recently retired from the Orlando PTRC, was thanked for his dutiful service to the Association over the last nine years, and Russ Allen was given an honorary lifetime membership for his volunteer service to the Association. Mr. Allen is the the third member to be awarded an honorary lifetime membership, and the first non-PTRC representative to receive it. Continue reading

Information for this year’s Annual Business Meeting (2016)

The Executive Council has issued its agenda for the 2016 Annual Business Meeting and the Bylaws Committee has finalized its ballot for this year’s proposed bylaws revisions. Both documents are posted here.

2015-2016 Officers

President (2015–2016):
Karen Kitchens, Cheyenne, WY
[email protected]

Vice-President/President-Elect (Jan. 2016–March 2016):
Dave Zwicky, West Lafayette, IN
[email protected]

Vice-President/President-Elect (April 2015–Dec. 2015):
Martin Wallace, Orono, ME
[email protected]

Secretary (2015–2016):
John Schlipp, Highland Heights, KY
[email protected]

Treasurer (2014–2016):
Jim Miller, College Park, MD
[email protected]

Past President (2015–2016):
Spruce Fraser, Continue reading

News from the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program (PTRCP) February 2016

change icon

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.

The first paragraph of the Girl Scout song that is above is a good indicator of the types of changes we have been going through the last year. Of the many changes, some were expected and some not. We traveled from coast to coast and to Hawaii and had the wonderful opportunity to work with a number of you while presenting programs at your libraries. Continue reading

Our Rich History: In recognition of Black History Month 2016, National Inventors Day — Three NKy Inventors

Special to NKyTribune 
By John Schlipp

Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky have a rich heritage of invention and innovation. Our region’s industrial and cultural diversity, strengthened by the mass migration of Europeans and African Americans, has played a role in making us an incubator for new ideas. For the full story, see

Special to NKyTribune 
By John Schlipp

Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky have a rich heritage of invention and innovation. Continue reading

“All U Need” for Business Student, Entrepreneur, & CEO of Char Poles

Save the Date – A Comprehensive Trademark Seminar – June 5, 2015

The NKU Chase Law + Informatics Institute and NKU Steely Library Intellectual Property Awareness Center, a designated Patent and Trademark Resource Center by the USPTO, will present a Comprehensive Trademark Seminar on Friday, June 5, 2015 in Highland Heights, Kentucky. The seminar is presented in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The seminar includes two tracks: (1) an introductory track for businesses, business law attorneys, Continue reading

PTDLA at ALA-RUSA Preconference 2015

Intellectual Property for Technology Startup: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright

What are common misconceptions about intellectual property among entrepreneurs? Two IP attorneys will discuss disputes and challenges startups are facing. Librarians and entrepreneurs will also get tips from experts on effective patent and trademark searching, learn about Patent and Trademark Resource Centers, and get introduced to best practices in library collaboration with the university commercialization office. For business librarians in academic, public, and special libraries; SBDC counselors; Continue reading