Collaborated on an exhibit, Denizens of the< Deep Deep, bringing together items highlighting the breadth of content available from the UW Libraries about the ocean and sea creatures.
Christina curated the section, “Diving Inventions: Humans Venture into theUnderwater World.”In addition to books, photos and other materials depicting creative and inventive diving suits and underwater vehicles, the two display cases featured four U.S. patents: Houdini’s diving suit, an “octopus vehicle,” a canine diving apparatus, and a diving suit of armor.
Was a guest speaker about patents and trademarks for a UW Information School course on government publications. The session was asynchronous using a recorded presentation and a class research guide.
A colleague and I were guest lecturers to the new cohort of 27 students in the Master of Applied Bioengineering program. They worked in teams to design a commercial development plan for a UW Medicine technology, so they used information from patents, engineering standards, the scientific literature, market reports, the FDA, and clinical resources.
National Inventor Club founder Brian Fried has invited me back onto his monthly livestream program where Ipromoted PTRCs and offered my “Two Minute Tips” on intellectual property protection.
Early outreach efforts with local SBDAs are paying dividends as more referrals are coming in.
The Smithtown Library PTRC celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2023.