The Paul Laurence Dunbar Library has been a PTDL since 2000. Our PTDL collection is stored in the Information Commons area of the main library.
We set new record for patent and trademark reference interactions with over 700 patent and trademark information requests. I continue to provide 2 basic intellectual property classes, 4 patent and 2 trademark workshops a year. There were new opportunities to work with the local Entrepreneur Center and presentations to Sinclair Community College Entrepreneur classes. I also developed a 25 year patent activity report for the region and presented it to the Dayton Mayor’s Leadership Council. We are also developing a “Creative Entrepreneur Center” on campus to help develop student inventions and businesses.
Our library went through a “big weed” this year. We expanded the study areas and the number of workstations available to our students. The medical and main undergraduate libraries are now consolidated. I also assumed the duties of our retiring government documents librarian, Karen Kimber.