AUVSI (October 2023): Association of Unmanned/Unscrewed Vehicles Systems International talk on inventor resources as they have lots of folks developing technology (such as UAVs/drones).
Provided a Virginia Quilting Museum Webinar on Inventors and Patents for Virginia’s 250thAnniversary (March 2024): folks can celebrate state’s history and have ideas for a quilting contest.
Outreach in October 2023 to the Association of Unmanned/Unscrewed Vehicles Systems International talk on inventor resources.
Currently piloting three introductory workshops on intellectual property, trademarks, and patents with toys and candy (See photo).
Started partnership with our Science, Technology, & Law undergraduate minor program and taught patent searching (February 2024).
Students had a great time and were very quick to find the Rubic’sCube, but not so much for other toys in (thanks to Kari Kozak for the great idea and materials to help develop our own version here!)