Advice to Authors

The Intellectual Property (IP) Journal, a professional electronic journal of the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association (PTDLA), serves as the channel of communication and sharing of expertise in this exciting field of intellectual property that guides industrial and information technologies. The journal welcomes submissions of original papers from both members and non-members on all forms of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

The Intellectual Property (IP) Journal, a professional electronic journal of the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association (PTDLA), serves as the channel of communication and sharing of expertise in this exciting field of intellectual property that guides industrial and information technologies. The journal welcomes submissions of original papers from both members and non-members on all forms of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. All aspects of intellectual property are covered by the journal: from historical discussions and treatments, procedures and practice, research and information services, users of intellectual property and their needs, to intellectual property laws and legislation and important existing and evolving national and international agreements


The IP Journal of the PTDLA welcomes proposals of papers on intellectual property. Your paper proposal should provide the title of the article and briefly describe the scope of the subject to be covered. Also describe how your subject will be developed and if the findings discussed in your paper will be based on any particular research methodologies. The editor will contact you to let you know the status of your proposal. At this time, a tentative schedule will be set for submission and publication of the full article that adheres to the established journal format. Once your full paper is received, the editor will send you an acknowledgement letter. All manuscripts, solicited and unsolicited, will go through a double blind peer-review process, and be evaluated for interest and relevance to the readership, soundness and accuracy of subject content, readability, and overall contribution of knowledge to the intellectual property field and the profession.

Instructions for Authors



  1. Submissions of full articles should be not more than 3,000 words or 12 typewritten, double-spaced pages. We encourage submission of articles in electronic format, with an additional print paper copy to the editor for reference.
  2. Each page should be numbered and have a one-inch margin on all sides. The author’s name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail address should appear on the cover page of the article. Authors should also provide brief biographical information to include current position title, institutional affiliation and other relevant information.

Body of the Article:

  1. Title: Provide a title of your paper. The title should be an informative one. If you decide to use a catchy title or one with acronyms, then you should also provide an informative sub-title.
  2. Author Information: Provide the author’s complete name as it will appear in print, and your current title and institutional affiliation.
  3. Keywords: Provide key words and phrases that describe the subject of your paper.
  4. Abstract: Provide a brief summary of your paper, highlighting the important points and findings that you want to convey to the readers.
  5. Introduction: In the introduction, specify the subject that your paper will cover. Also include any methods that will be used in the study and the subject scope, as needed.
  6. Following the introduction, write the main body of your paper. In this section, provide the main findings and results of your study, including any discussion that conveys the ideas you want to communicate to the readers. This section will also contain factual information in the form of names, figures, charts, graphs, or Internet addresses. Such facts should be checked carefully against the original source, before including in the paper. The accuracy of information conveyed in the paper is the responsibility of the author, and not the editor.
  7. Conclusion: Write a conclusion that sums up the important points of your article. The conclusion should also state any recommendations you have for your readers.
  8. References: Include in this section any previously published articles with information that supports, challenges, or confirms the ideas covered in your paper. Follow the APA Style Manual when citing your references.


Submit electronic copies of proposals and full length papers to:

David Irvin, Editor
Business Librarian
New Mexico State University
[email protected]