New officers were announced at the 2013 Annual Business Meeting on Thursday April 18th:
Vice-President/President-Elect (3 year commitment): Spruce Fraser
Secretary (1-year commitment): Suzanne Reinman
Academic Divisional Representative (2-year commitment): Connie Wu
Public Divisional Representative (2-year commitment): Mary Kordyban
New officers were announced at the 2013 Annual Business Meeting on Thursday April 18th:
Vice-President/President-Elect (3 year commitment):
Spruce Fraser, Saint Louis, MO
Secretary (1-year commitment):
Suzanne Reinman, Stillwater, OK
Academic Divisional Representative (2-year commitment):
Connie Wu, Piscataway, NJ
Public Divisional Representative (2-year commitment):
Mary Kordyban, Detroit, MI
On behalf of the elections committee and the entire PTRCA membership, we congratulate our new officers and thank you for your service to the association.
The PTRCA Election committee:
Leena Lalwani
Hal Mendelsohn
Ran Raider
Michael Strickland
Charlotte Erdmann